Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Finding Your Self in a Place Were Nothing BUT. God will Do!!!

Today is  a low day for me. I have to be REAL.  We have got all the Dossier done in Record timing 2 weeks Praise God .  Goal was to get all done by my Birthday and Yes today is my 40th Birthday.  But... their is one piece of the Dossier I have not finished yet I have put it off long enough, I have avoided this piece of the paper like the plague.  But it has to be done. I have wished I  had different things to put on this piece of papers but I dont. It is what it is and God has said He was going to do this adoption. ( Not by Power, Not by Might but by THE SPIRIT thus Saith the LORD.)  People just don't understand 1. That Adoption is not free and it is very expensive if they have never did something like this.  We Can afford to take care of them, but we dont have 68,000 laying around most normal people dont. So do you just give up and say, "No" to what God has asked you to do?  We didn't because we have believed that God would use His people to help and send the money in all kinds of ways, He opened doors to keep going.   Yes you have guessed it is our finance forms.  Our country just happens to be the most expensive place to adopt from. We are just a family that God gave a Vision to, a dream and have been Radically walking by Faith this dream God has given us and he has kept opening these doors that men could not open.  But God has has been faithful each time we have needed something some how some way the money has come in.  People working for us have been so gracious in time frames and believing God with us. We have been very blessed.  So today I sat down to do our Bible study and this is what the Lord has given me today.  I am holding on to this today because I need it. My heart is wondering and anxious in HOW God is going to make it all work.  He is faithful and said He will do this New THING.  What is Faith? Now Faith is the substance of the things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT seen.  So I God has us right where He wants us according to HIS Word.  We have got clearance that the average Joe has not had, we have senators working with us, Congressman, so many people and I know God loves these two boys more than we do and he has a PLAN.  Pray with us for a Miracle and GIVE if you would,  it all goes back to the Lord and His plan in our LIVES.  Its not to us its to HIM our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you Peace alwaysin every way. The Lord will be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come. Rev 1:4  The Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phill 4:7
Jesus Himself stood in the midst of (His disciples) and said to them, "Peace to you". Luke 24:36
Peace I leave with you , My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLES, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID.  John 14:27

 So I leave those heart warming verses to you and I am going to go and walk over to that table without fear and do those forms in Jesus Name and trust HIM with them.  

Blessings TODAY and EVERY DAY...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I just had to shout to the whole world we have to Golden ticket.  The people who need to know about Cole know and they are going produce what we need that states we can indeed bring our son home.   Keep praying our MIRACLE IS GETTING CLOSER.  One step at a time literally. One day at a time. Our faith and excitement GROW.  Please help us make this a Reality.  Every penny counts to God and to us.

Ms. Pettit,

We’ve already sent you the form for the court letter which  states that we have your USCIS approval for international adoption on file and the Immigrant Visa will be issued for Cole upon receipt of all documents from xxxxxxx authorities. This is the standard letter for all regional courts, including xx xxxxxxxxxcourt. Please fill out the attached form and email it back to us that we’ll be able to produce such letter for your family. xxxxxxx judges require this letter to be an original with the original stamp, they do not accept fax or scan copy.

Immigrant Visa Unit
US Embassy xxxxxx

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Have to Give GOD all the GLORY..

We visit our 1st church today it was awesome.  The message was one of those on time messages.  I was awesome.  We shared our video which is our Journey video. I gave the background history shared my heart and my husband give little testimony on his trip to Belarus and then he presented a teachable moment taken from the Word of God.  I want to share it with every one it was so good.  I am so proud of my husband and I am so glad he loves these children as much as I do and he is passionate about what God has called his family to do.. He shared that his heart was broken for the children when he went to Belarus 7yrs ago. He had the privilege of going into a virtual orphanage which was the church going to take food to these children what he seen was worse than anything he has ever seen. It was at that point God started a work in my husband to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.  This message will change your heart if you let it.  And any one that feels led to use, you have our permission share the Good News of being the Good Samaritan to the Orphans.

Will The Church be a Good Samaritan?
   Today, I want to talk to you about the Good Samaritan. The story is found in Luke 10:30-35.
To set the stage for you; Jesus was teaching and a lawyer stood up and asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life.” He then summed up the Ten Commandments, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus replied that that was correct. The man then asked who his neighbor was.
        Let’s see what Jesus said. (Luke 10:30-35)

        In this story, Jesus shows this lawyer that a Samaritan was his neighbor. The problem with this is that a Samaritan was not very well liked by Jews. They were considered to be lower than dogs on the social scale.

        The Jewish Priest didn’t want to help his brother; the temple assistant didn’t want to serve his brother either. But a lowly dog stopped to help a man who more than likely despised him.

        As a church today, which one do we look like? Are we like the Priest and temple worker, and just turn away when we see someone in need? Or are we going to be like the Samaritan, and help those in need?
        Will the church just turn a deaf ear or a blind eye toward those in need?

        We are here today for 2 of those people who have been beaten and robbed by life. Kolya and his brother live in an orphanage in Russia because their mother has died and their father is in prison and no one else wants to help them.

        These 2 boys have spent the last 2 years in a home where they do not get enough to eat, no one to hold them when they are hurt, and no mom and dad to teach or show them the love of Christ.

        There are thousands of children with stories just like Kolya and his brother’s. I wonder what Christ would say to his church today if he came back to visit us today?

        I can answer that question because he has already told his church what to act like and do toward these orphans.

                Hosea 14:3b - ….. No, in you alone do the orphans find mercy
                Psalm 68:5 – Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

                Psalm 146:9 – The Lord protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows

                Psalm 10:14b – the helpless put their trust in you. You are the defender of orphans.

                Deu. 10:18 – He gives justice to orphans and widows. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.

                James 1:27 – Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.

        These are just a few verses that are written to us about orphans. There are a lot more that I don’t have time to go over today.

        The first 5 verses tell us about the Character of God, when it concerns orphans. As Christians, we are taught to become more like Christ every day. If this is true, then what is our character supposed to look like when it concerns orphans?

        The last verse talks about the heart of a true Christian. When we, as a church, care for orphans and widows, this is the essence of Christ.

        In conclusion, I will ask the question again,
                As a church, are we going to be like the Priest and temple worker, or are we going to choose to be like the Good Samaritan? Will we take on the heart of Christ? Will we care for the orphans and widows?
        As for me and my house, we choose to be the Good Samaritan!
                                      Phillip Grant Petitt

Orphan Sunday

We are so excited we have our 1st speaking engagement tomorrow as Connect Ministry " Hands and Hearts for Orphans."  My husband is a wonderful speaker and I can't wait to hear him. He is amazing and I am very grateful for him.  Dear Lord bless him and send your rain down for Kolya and LittleMAN. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Exhausted going to hit the sack. We got the golden ticket Friday. We got officially accepted into the adoption program. We start our Dossier on Wednesday.  We are in a race for time and are hoping to get everything in by NOV 30th, My Birthday.  I know with God all things are possible and we are believing the Impossible. We want them home by Dec 31st, 2011. Can you pray for that Miracle?  Blessings my bloggy friends. Pray a Special prayer for Kolya, His brother- LittleMan, Sergio, Tanner, Helen (they all have homes now) pray for Jordy he still needs a home, and Emma she still needs a home, and All my friends who are adopting and need there own miracles this year. God bless Anne

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lifesong for Orphans!!

We are so excited because Lifesong for Orphans, a wonderful adoption ministry, has offered us a matching grant of up to $3000!! We have temporarily taken down the chip in so that all donations can be matched by Lifesong for Orphans.

What this means is that whatever amount that you donate... $1, $5, $10, $20, $50.... Lifesong will match it! And your donation is tax deductible too!

We've updated our "How to Help" Page with all the information you will need to donate through Lifesong for Orphans. Please check it out for it tells how to donate through Paypal, or how to send a check directly to Lifesong for Orphans. We have a few more fundraisers in the works, so look for those soon!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all who have already donated to help us bring Koyla and his brother home. Thank you Lifesong for helping us with a matching grant!

Every little bit helps! Please spread the word! We need all the help we can get to bring these two boys home. Believing that our God can do the Impossible!

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27