Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Day of Gods Grace.

A day of Gods Grace.  We found out on Sunday that after Monday if we did not get our Dossier turned in by Monday they was not accepting anymore till Feb.  My initial feeling is Disappointment, dread, Oh God what are we going to do?   Are we allowed that?  God’s word says to Praise Him in all things.  So you know I am going to Praise him when I am Happy, I am going to Praise Him when I am Sad, I am going to Praise Him in the good, bad and Ugly.  My God still is God and He still reins!  God is Sovereign and He knows All and All things work out for the good of those who love the Lord.  I trust you Lord, I know you know what you are doing.  Today I needed God to breathe on me.  And guess what He did. My husbands job had to go to Myrtle Beach Wal-mart to take pictures and check things out.   And because my husband loves me he took me to the beach for half an hr. God breathe on me folks the wind blew my hair, I seen some men catch a really nice Shark, my dog Annabell loved the beach I don’t know if I would get her back if I had let her go she loved it so much she ran long and hard poor Adam and me we was trying to keep up with her.   She is a very strong dog very hard to manage when she gets going she is a Boxer.  She wanted to chase the sea gulls.    God breathe on me with His beauty. You see I love the beach I don’t get to go very often I went for the 1st time last year in 5 years and we had a wonderful time the boys and I and sister and her two children thanks to my MOM.  She is the best.  It was incredible.  Today was I said therapy just to feel God He gave me His best in a way He knew I would be able to just bathe in Him and His beauty. Thank you God for sending me to the beach for 30 minutes and possibly 5 weeks.. What a great refresher that would be before going to Country.  What a blessings some of my children’s most fun times  have been on my husbands traveling trips. We travel as a family that is why we made the schooling choices we have so we can travel together.  We loved it when we was in St. Augustine, Florida company paying , Jackson, Mississippi for 14 weeks, we was in Enterprise, Alabama that was awesome for 6 months.  Memories there is no price for memories.  As there is not price for Memories there is no Price for a Soul though so many don’t understand why we are doing what we are doing we are fully convinced that we are living out God’s PURPOSE for our lives at this given moment. Our heart breaks for those that just don’t understand we love them dearly and pray for them daily.  But that still doesn’t change what God has told us to do we can not walk away, we will Keep walking on Where He Leads US We Will following.  Are you willing to take a stand for the not so popular thing?  Are you willing to Get out of the Boat and literally walk by blind faith and Walk on Water?  Scared?  Scared to death.  But knowing its all Good and God is in this.  We have gotten out of the boat and we are walking on water looking in the eyes of Jesus and trusting Him to get us to Him with us not sinking…Here we are Lord use us as you see fit.  Emmanuel – The Lord is with us.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Not alot of time to POST... BUT HAVE TO SHOUT

     Our dossier left the United States Friday heading to our Counties City.   Should be there Wednesday maybe even tomorrow or Tuesday when we sent our stuff to Embassy it left Friday and got there on Monday. So it is possible.  We are Praising God and praying for a quick Request to come and get REFERRAL.  We are Believing for the MIRACLE, Miracle we need to get to Country and the Miracle we need to bring them back home after 2nd trip.   I am thrilled GOd has a plan and we are trusting him in it.  He who has begun a good work will COMPLETE it.
       WE are still praying for 3 TWIN size mattress and Frequent Flyer Miles Please PRay with us for these NEEDS.  WE really NEED a LARGER refrigerator and ours is broke we just use it anyways it leaks. We got ours 14 almost 15 years ago in Feb and it is very small.  It is crazy the things that come up as Needs when you get a Larger family. crazy things like more silverware, larger backing sheets ,larger casserole/baking dishes, pots and pans,more towels, blankets, sheets and that doesn't even include 2 wardrobes of clothing..  I just laugh, thrilled to have this problem what a wonderful growing larger problem.  Believing God for it all. I know my GOD will not leave one stone unturned and one NEED unmet.  Because God is God and He is Able. He cares about our ORPHANS that will Be orphans NO MORE IN JESUS NAME.
    Have a wonderful blessed filled night I just had to shout to you the News Pray.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank you from me too we got it in by the Grace of God. SO much could've but God let it ALL go threw and everything got Apostilled.  Now it arrives in New Hampshire tomorrow 3:30pm to be reviewed one last time then off to Country.  Thank you so much for all the prayers I am heading to bed mentally and emotionally exhausted. God bless you all. Now onto the next leg 1st trip.

Could Use Prayers Today

Today is the BIG day. We will submit all paper work and send update home study to Immigration.  Unfortunately do not have a lot of time to post today  but we do need prayers we are trying to get all Documents apostillled and sent out to Agency so they can go out to Country this week Lord willing.  Have had some bumps since Friday.  Pray for smooth sailing today while we are in Atlanta.  Blessings  Pray I don't get lost, we have a major time frame leaving at 6:30am but have to go to Medical Board 1st then to Secretary of State by 10am to submit today.  Blessings to all.  I wanted to Add thank you to ALL who helped meet our 3000 dollar goal  with Life Songs for matching grant. We met our goal and was able to meet the next step of $5,900. Praising God for all of you and moving one step closer to meeting our precious boys.  We are beyond EXCITED and ready to bring them home. WE are STILL BELIEVING GOD FOR THIS HUGE MIRACLE.  ONLY HE CAN OPEN DOORS NO MAN CAN SHUT.