Sunday, December 30, 2012

 A blog from one of my favorite BLOGS well worth reading!  She featured our pictures with Chance in it..  to get the rest of the story visit...  when you see the color word hear visit it.

Get  cup of coffee its good.

 Saturday, December 29, 2012

NOT on MY Watch

Today friends around the world have begun to pray and fast saying,  
"Not on My Watch" 
in response to the post I wrote two days ago
regarding the future of adoption given the recent 
decision in Russia to ban all US adoptions. 
The situation is extremely serious.
We must not take the cavalier attitude that says
"Russia has closed their doors before
 and reopened them,
they'll do it again."
That says to me: 
"Ho-hum.  It'll all work out.  I'm busy.  Don't bother me."
There are little ones, like Chance Michael,
{pictured below} 
who met his family and are awaiting  
court date in January 2013.
Another bloggy friend wrote and asked for specific prayer
for the L and W families in Mississippi.
One is bringing home one little boy, the other family - two little boys.
The P, L and W families represent three of the 46 families 
who have met their child{ren}
on a previous visit/court time
and have court dates for finalizing their adoptions
allowing them to bring them home.

In light of the prophetic picture/word the Lord showed me 
{you can read about it here}
over three years ago,
this situation is extremely, extremely, extremely serious.
We must pray.

We must fast.

We must not assume anything.
Not to mention the countless orphans that fill orphanages
longing to be held, loved and cared for by a family
of their own.

Today as we fast and pray,
I urge you to join me with an attitude and posture of repentance for:

 ~ our apathy toward the 
needs of 
the orphan, 
the widow, 
the vulnerable, 
the oppressed

~ our selfishness

~ our failure to care about the things that
 really, truly 
matter to Almighty God

He is the only one that can allow these 46 families 
to bring their children home.
He is the only one who can reverse this law 
that has been signed
by President Putin.

Our God is definitely able.

I am reminded of our Isaiah's situation back in 2007.
Due to an unintentional mess-up in paperwork,
Ch*na, after telling us 'yes', reversed their decision and told us "no".
We were beyond devastated.
We chose to pray, plead{and fast}
calling on the only one who could make it right!
We then chose to send a package to the Ch*nese government 
explaining what had happened.
We even enclosed a video we had made with Emma, Graham and Liberty 
pleading with Ch*na to 
reverse their decision.
From March 19th we waited - not hearing a single word from Ch*na.

Many of those who knew the situation said,
"Give up.  
Ch*na never changes their mind.
We refused to give up!
Isaiah was our son and we knew that we knew 
that we knew that our powerful and mighty God would bring Isaiah home.
Weeks passed.
From March 19th - the remainder of March scurried by.
Not one word out of Ch*na.
We continue to pray and fasted regularly.
April came and went.
Not one word out of Ch*na.
We continued to pray and fasted often.
Friends and family joined in fasting.
Our church had a day of prayer and fasting.
The month of May came.
Around that time, the Lord gave me a prophetic word:
"By the end of May you will hear."
The days in May slowly passed.
I remember saying to Dw, 
"Even if it means that on May 31st
at a few minutes until midnight we hear, 
I know we will hear before the end of May".
After all the days spent on my knees and in fasting, the Lord had given me 
{and my prayer partner Chelsea} 
a promise from the book {of all things!} of 
"Those who hope in me, will not be disappointed."
Isaiah 49:23
I clung to that word
and it gave me a 
confidence that He would rescue our precious son 
and bring him home to the family who so desperately longed
to hold him.
In perfect keeping with God's promises, 
on May 29th, 2007
we received a phone call.
China had reversed their decision, 
they would allow us to bring our son home!

Do you know what Isaiah means?
"Salvation by God"
ALmighty God is the only one who did it!
So too, we contend together for a release of the treasures 
being adopted by 46 families
and a reversal of the law that has been signed
so that all orphans in Russia will be allowed to come to the United States
to families longing for them.
We cannot idly sit by:
Not On My Watch!
Thank you for joining together.
"Those who hope in Him, will not be disappointed."
Isaiah 49:23
He is faithful.
He can move.
He can reverse this law.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nothing is Impossible with GOD!!

WE have been given a hope and a dream not by Man but BY GOD.  Our faith is not in Man but in GOD. We are not to grow weary in well doing but I am to sit and WAIT and PRAY and BELIEVE what GODS word has told us for TWO YEARS he has prepared us for the and we know it will all be a MIRACLE.  ONE we will be very grateful. 
Please Pray and Fast for our baby and the President of Russia to let us pick up our baby Jan 21st and not to stop the rest of the adoptions in Russia we love these children.  We all who will to pray for a miracle and a change of hearts.  Thanks you Anne

Friday, December 21, 2012

Oh Happy Day OH Happy Day!!!!

Oh what a Glorious Day it was to day to here the Judge GIVE US POSITIVE Decision as they called it.  SHe basically gave her blessings and said YES to the Adopting of Chance Michael Petitt.  WE will pick him up for good Jan 22nd.  Yeah thank you so much for the 2 years of praying  and praying when ever you come in on our journey.  Very tired more later but for now we will rest and get some sleep very long day and night and days.  WE are thrilled at our little boy.
                                            INtroducing  Chance Michael Petitt= not sure why pictures not loading but will work in later for now going to get nap leaving tomorrow for trip taking 40hrs to get home so need some rest. Love Anne

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


                                                      UNDER COVER !!!!!

TODAY WAS A WONDERFUL DAY WITH CHANCE.  We saw the life of our little boy we left 27 and half weeks ago come back to life.  Yesterday it was very sad seeing him he looked so sad.  But once he realized it was us he perked up and we could see smiles and enjoyed our time together.  He cried when he had to leave and that was really tuff.  But today we saw the LIGHT and HOPE back in his eyes.  He knows we have come back consistantly and that has made a difference.  Thursday will be our last day with him till after court.  We will be back in 30 days to pick him up.  Pray for his spirit while he is without us.  Not to give up on us.  That we are coming back. It just takes time.  But next time will be forever. No more, no shows.  Things we take for granted these ones rely on.  I pray others will see that anyone can do what we have done.  Yes it takes time is it hard yes very hard. Is it worth it forsure it is.  There is so many that needs homes.  All you have to have a heart to trust on God and his provision and providence in something that is out of your control.  This precious one lights up the WORLD with this infectious smile and zeal.  WE are so in love and we pray the JUDGE will see that too. Wish he could go to court so she could see just how much this littl one loves us so much and how much we love him.  I am so proud of our older boys they have just chimmed in the BIG brother role they are thrilled about being big brothers and protecting their little brother.  They cant wait to see him for the 1st time too.  They enjoy listeming to the funny stories it has already brought to our lives. Hilarious You should of seen him eating a Cow Tail for the 1st time today it was hilarious it got stuck to his teeth and he didnt know what to do with it.  So funny.  He totally did not like the cheese and crackers sticks, you know the ones you have the sticks and you dip out the cheese and eat it.  Oh no he did not like that.  spit out if came.  :) I never let children play with my phone well could not help but not today it was sofunny. He would put the phone to his ear speak jimberus Russian and then say PAPAAAA and hand the phone to Phillip and talk it was so funny. SO guess what we are on search of a baby phone for one of his 1st toys since we dont have many. Maybe two.  WE have been so consumed getting ready for the adoption have not had time to worry about toys.  I cant wait to see what Bruster does. That is our dog.  He will just love him to death I know.  Will be interesting to see how he reacts to him.  It has been a great day one we are very blessed by.  Thank Lord for not letting him cry this time.  That was hard and sad.  Thank you for all the smiles and joy and happiness he was today.  Love Anne

Monday, December 17, 2012

We are back with the other HALF of our HEART!!!!

We landed and this time I was so excited to be back with my other part of my heart. There was no fear of the unknown it was just shear Joy of knowing we will see our precious one again. Love our flight.  WE love Luthansea they are bare a wonderful airline. Wonderful food and service.  Very please they make sure you are fed and not hungry that is forsure.  Today we  will get to eat some of that yummy Russia food at our favorite European Restrauant about 2 blocks where we stay and yes we have to walk in the extreme cold conditions. To tired to go get anything last night lived off what got on plane and what brought. I normally am not a cold person but this week I am not bothered by the cold actually delighted I get to snuggle up with my man and excited that God has yet did another miracle and one step closer to bring our precious young One HOME.  WE take each step as a GIFT and do not take it for granted. We know how we have come and how we got here and it has been threw divine interventions and miracles along the way.  We leave at 9:30 am to see our baby its takes about an hr to get there.  I just cant wait enough to see his reaction when he sees us again. I pray we capture it on video so we can let the judge see how happy he is and how happy we are in the choice the Committee gave us in JUNE. What a real treat and blessings.  Will post more as we get further into the week.  Thank you everyone Please pray for favor with all the officials involved in this huge decisions to let us adopt Chance.  We want to here a yes that they indeed will feel good about and know the geniuneness of how much we adore there little boy and that we do feel it a honar to be able to adopt internationally.  Many places , many children to adopt and choice from but this one was hand picked for our family and we are thrilled.  Blessings Anne

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I want to say thank you for all the PRAYERS that have went up for us.  People must of been praying!!!! God answered and boy did he Answer!  WE hit our feet running today. And praise the LORD we got everything done. Visa arriving Saturday.  and we got tickets so we are ready to go.  Last week was a very hard week. I guess Hot GROUND is HOLY Ground.  Will be updating while in Russia so stay tune.  I am still in SHOCK!  Giving GOD all the Glory.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I am STANDING IN AWE of What God did TONIGHT!!!

SO much is going on and so quick. Dont have alot of time but wanted to Give God all the Glory and to keep you posted on what is going on.  Everything we need will be given to the Judge Monday.  We should get a court date we have given her everything she has asked for. Please pray for POWER with God and FAvor with God and Man.  Someone SENT a 250.00 anonymous GIFT which was awesome, and Got another 25.00.  WE are just thrilled that each step of the way is covered with Jesus Blood and his blessings.  Thank you Thank you is all I can say.  
Today was an Awesome Day.  I believe God showed favor on us.  WE have been looking for a God me outfit for Chance for his BIG Got you DAY.  I dont know why I worry?  I have been a little anxious this week about clothes and all the stuff that comes with a having a little one in the house.  Knowing that WE are being faithful with all that we have been blessed to complete this Adoption.  So I was at Children Place because I have been getting all these coupons via email.  If you know me you know I dont shop and if I do its a thrift store.  WHich I love but I wanted something special.  IN route to conversation we talked about Chance and how hard it is to find clothes that fit because of his small size.  WHile talking one of the sales reps come up to me and said one of the customers had a trunk full of baby stuff that she felt like would work for us and wanted to give them to us.  Well me and the other 3 associates just lost if in tears.  WE had a Spirit God moment.  It was so moving to know that me evening being in that store was God, at that exact moment,  I was on my way home and I just happen to remember I still had that coupon in my purse and I had not used it yet.  So I had made a complete circle and ended up going there.  Got home and the stuff was just precious and brand new never even looked worn.  SO precious.  The crazy things about all this is was this week I just started talking to the Lord about all that was needed and wardrobe was one of them.  So I feel God has answered that one.  Thank you so much who ever you was at Childrens Place. We will be forever grateful for you love and generous gift.  You are a blessings to us and to Chance.  May we meet again or in Heaven we will meet.
Everyone Pray SUNDAY NIGHT at 1AM and the rest of the Russian Day for a COURT DATE. PRAY for Strength for Galina to be able to get the rest of the Translating done and get legalized before can go to JUDGE.  Have a wonderful and Happy Hanukkah starting today for Many across the World.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Suspense of WAITING!!!! and TRUSTING OTHERS..

You know I Have had over 2 years to see in adoption you are really putting your life in the hands of others.  I could never do what they do.  I would not know one thing to tell you on how to adopt a child on my own and with out the leading of our agency.  Whom I do truly LOVE.  New Hope for Children in New Market, New Hampshire.  I know without a shadow of a doubt God sent them to me.  He had a special purpose for them, for us.  He knew exactly what he was doing when he put us together.  I believe they has put 100percent in our adoption they have ran just as hard as we have in this.  I will be forever grateful to them and all they have done. You become family because you are so close in the time you are working.  Adoption is for long haul.  Its a decision not to give up when it gets hard.  You might Surrender to GOD and cry out to him but you dont Quit and Give up.  These little people are DEPENDING ON YOU.  Without you the Hope of a family may not be in the picture. You are the family.  Today we put in what we PRAY is our LAST Piece of paper to Apostille. After 2 and half years we think we are at the tail end of being finished and finally get the REWARD at the end of the rainbow.  I ask all of you to cry out for Chance to protect him while he is still away from us, to adjust to the change that is about to take place in his little precious life, the build of the language bearer,  my son Lord willing will start Russian classes Jan 1st and my husband is already studying it so we are working very hard to know some of these things so we wont have to many frustrated meltdowns due to lack of understanding.   WE are thrilled and ready.  The Journey has been long but one I feel will be well worth it. I still am very sad for HOPE I just dont see outside of a miracle that we could go back after this one.  Would if could.  Blessing to All

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Writing on the GOOOOOOO

Very busy these days with Redo Redo and Redos.  But Praise be to Jesus we think we got it right now and we are seeing LIght at the end on this long Tunnel.  I thank you for those who have encouraged us along the way. It has been a real blessing.  WE are almost done and Chance is almost home we PRAY and expect a court date to be given Dec 6th so please pray this will happen. We have been working on this since August and have had many papers going back and forth trying to get them right since August.  SO we are ready everybody is ready to see our little guy again. This weekend will be 25 weeks since we parted actually on Friday which is my 41st Birthday.  I pray our baby knows we are coming back that he was not wisked for 4 days by people who loved him and enjoyed him and than left behind.  I cant even imagine how our  next meeting and how it will go. THe thought of leaving him again is excruciating.  As it all evalves for those of you still watching our Journey I will keep you posted. It is exciting time for us what a wonderful ChRISTmas it will being know Our King of Kings is giving us our hearts desire in that of  baby.  I am still just in SHock as I was what seems forever ago.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and will Keep Christ is CHristmas.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


1st Prize - Kindle Color HD = Troy & Rebecca Place/ recieved
2nd Prize - Sheet Rug = Jamie Shular
3rd Prize - $15.00 I Tunes = Mary Bowman/ recieved
4th Prize - Lenox Vase = Lorie Kelly
5th Prize - Body Message (by Sarah Bowers) = Carrie Blackburn/ received info
6th Prize - Body Message (by Sarah Bowers) = Hemda Mercer/ recieved info

Thank you for everyone who contributed to help us in bringing our little Chance home.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Heart is SO Heavy!!!!

Longing to bring our baby home.  Very sad because its been 22 weeks and still not home and still have not been on 2nd trip.  God and I have had alot of talks lately.  We get so close then we fall back.  We are praying by the grace of God to have a court date this coming week.  WE have relented know that we will not get to go to court till middle of December.  So being how we have to wait 30 days to pick  him up and come home.  SO we are trying to focus on just getting all the documents that the judge wanted redone.  My friends left today to go and meet there children in the same area we are adopting from.  At this particular orphanage there is several children there that had been hosted in America back in 2010.  My heart is breaking for these children as they will always ask anytime an American come when is my family coming?  I cant imagine.  I just cant imagine. Our baby was to young for that even though he new us daily and looked for us daily and was so excited to see us each day.  I am not sure how he understands time and how long it has been since he has seen us or if he thinks he will?  But these children are , 6 and 7 years old almost 8. 2 of them are getting adopted they are brothers,  but there is 2 more that is still waiting there parents have been trying to get them but it has not happened yet a brother and sister,  then there is a little boy named Nikitia his parents said they was going to adopt them and decided not to but had told him they was coming so now every time an American comes he ask when is my momma and papa coming.  Would you like to adopt?  Does this break your heart?  It should?  These kids dont want stuff,  they just want someone to love them. He doesnt have much time before he is unable to adopt.  Please help me pray for Nikitia and pray for the other 2 that there mommas and daddys want them so bad and it has not worked out.  If you want a picture or profile of him please email me.  I would love to find him a home. 
    WE are till we leave dieing to go back to our baby.  I am almost sad to see him second trip because I know I will have to leave him again for 30more days.  Oh Lord help me and give me grace.  Please. Please say prayers for us.  We are tired and ready to be done.  Our focus is what is at the end of the rainbow.  OUr precious wee little.  October 22,2010 to  _____________

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Just Had to Give GOD All the GLORY!!

We got SHOW HOPE's $5000 dollar grant this week.  We are praising God out of 200 applicants we was chosen.  We are very honored and humbled to say the LEAST.  I cant wait to share when Chance gets older how much God loves him and pursued him and brought him HOME.  We  are so ready to see our little Man again its will be 18 weeks tomorrow.  Too Long submitting Paper work to Judge's Clerk after our time 12:01AM Monday.  Eight hrs differnce.
                    If you are here for the Blog Chance for Kindle and other Great Prices go down to Next POST and inter to win some great Prices.  And Thank you to Adeye and Facebook and Twitter for bringing people to our BLOG.  May it bless you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

From Barren to Fruitfulness A Dream Coming True ~

Thank you for Adeye with  for allowing us to be featured on her BLOG. Thank you for coming from Adeyes Blog again. Some of you have been here before. Welcome back. WE are almost are done.  Praise God.

Want a "Chance" at  Kindle Fire !!!
Graciously Donated by
Hansina Mickschl

Let me introduce to you our spunky little Man.  I wish I could show his beautiful face due to countries Privacy Rules we cant.  His name is Chance "which means Lord of Judgement",  His middle will be Michael in Hebrew it means Strong One. In deed this little one has had to be strong with heart surgery at 15 months, bacterial meningitis, severe cross eye, along varies delays, and not being bigger than a mite.  We are most ready to bring our little guy home. A Little Makes A Lot.

Those little pants are 12 months Carter Pants  and we had serious issue keep them up that day...We love our Little MONKEY!!!

Read the rest of the Story how GOD Has Hand Picked him for us in our LONG Two year JOURNEY TODAY!!   From a Last CHANCE Child and his BROTHER to our Precious Baby whom we met
17 weeks ago.

Will be adding a couple more things to our BLOG for our GIVEAWAY.  LENOX VASE, Beautiful SHEET RUG by Sarah Bowers, Local for BODY MAssages by Sarah Bowers,
1 $15.00  I-TUNE Cards  and so much more to COME..
Stay tune and Thank you so much for your Donations.


For as little as 5.00 you get A Chance. 
3 chances for 10.00
10 chances for 25.00
30 chances for 50.00
80 chances for 100.00
 Share and you can earn a chance even if you cant donate....on facebook, twitter ,via email with link, anyway you can get the Word out.
Leave a Message at what you donated or if you shared so you can be entered for the drawing.

Thanks that is one step closer we will be to bringing Chance HOME.
The Chip in is for Visual people who likes so see the NUMBERS GROW.  Its not tax Deductible.

The Lifesong for Orphans PayPal link is TAX DeDUCTIBLE!!!!!
 Will change numbers the Vine every Friday.  I get those numbers from Lifesongs.
We will be using the online computer drawer the names....

Monday, October 15, 2012

An Amazing Thing...

An amazing weekend. I got to witness a birth. Did I actually see it No. But I was very close in waiting the arrival of my 1st niece in 10 years. Any one who knows me knows I love babies. I was not actually in labor for River Eleanor but I did travail in prayer for her. We are going to look into this word. TRAV'AIL, v.i. [L. trans, over, beyond, and mael, work; Eng. moil.] 1. To labor with pain; to toil. 2. To suffer the pangs of childbirth; to be in labor. Gen.35. TRAV'AIL, v.t. To harass; to tire; as troubles sufficient to travail the realm. TRAV'AIL, n. Labor with pain; severe toil. As every thing of price, so doth this require travail. 1. Labor in childbirth; as a severe travail; an easy travail. TOIL, v.i. To labor; to work; to exert strength with pain and fatigue of body or mind, particularly of the body, with efforts of some continuance or duration. Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Luke 5. TOIL, v.t. To toil out, to labor; to work out. Toil'd out my uncouth passage-- 1. To weary; to overlabor; as toil'd with works of war. With any thing we do that is worth anything so many time more that not these two words are required. Travailing and Toiling. What a gift and blessings that comes from the hard work of these two things. As we waited from 8am till 2:42am. At the TIME it seemed like forever. But as it come and what a beautiful experience it was to know are prayers were being heard and God showed up and showed out. She is PRECIOUS in every way. I don't get to see my nephews very much and today we got to take them and play with all 7 niece and nephews total. We had the best time. As I reflex today I can only think about Time. Time seems so long when you are in the mist of something. There really is not a day or second that goes by that our experience,our Chance, our Hope, our coming last trips is not on our mind some how. Today makes our 16th week of being away from out little one and just feels like forever,since Feb when this adoption took a whole new course, since Oct 2010 when we started. Again back at Time. When you are in the mist of something it seems like forever. Last night as we waited for this precious baby it seemed like forever. But when she finally got here it wasn't till we actually seen her with our own eyes did that wait end. Our baby is so far away we have seen light going over there and meeting him. But our wait is still going on. Travailing is so hard!!! We are trusting God for the end results but it doesn't help with the longing to see him again. We still miss all the same. We still pray for Hope Rosemary all the same. Back to the boys as I think upon today think all the fun of the boys signing Jesus Loves Me in the tree. And going for walk with anything that moved with wheels(had some interesting vehicles.) I think to my self about Chance he has no one to call Mama or dad or brothers or cousins. He will have all the above when he comes home. I just cant get the imagines of glee from him precious face as he ran with Phillip for the 1st time I am sure. He was being chased so and he LOVED it. He will have so much attention. He will have a momma and daddy who adore him and cousins that are just waiting for him to come home. I cant wait for him to experience that fun of playing on a beautiful fall day with the wind blowing threw his hair. Please come together by praying and being a part of bring our precious baby home and Lord willing if God provides our little Hope RoseMary. Our Journey is nearing an end. Our papers are being translated in Country right now. after they are translated there is 6 more steps to happen then will be presented to Judge and she will see if she will accept them and give us a court date. We will have 2 to 3 weeks to get Visa and extra ready for 2nd trip. WHEN WE GET A DATE THAT WE DONT HAVE RIGHT NOW? So we are WAITING.. Pray for trip in November so we can Him home in DEC. Blessings

Saturday, September 29, 2012

 One of my very favorite blogs.. I had to share I left her blog so you can go get part 2 and soon to come 3.  My hope Lies in the Lord and His promises to the Orphan.  Have a blessed weekend.

 Thursday, September 27, 2012

He is NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 1}

Over the years I have had literally hundreds of emails from families who want to adopt, but find themselves worried, fearful and immobilized by the financial end of it all.

Friends, listen up!

In the last 28+ years {since we began adopting}, we have NOT met one person/couple/family who found a treasure, began that treasure's adoption yet had to bring it to a halt because they couldn't provide the resources to bring that treasure home.  We've not met ONE.

However, on the other hand, in the same 28+ years, I think I can remember two people who had the full amount for an adoption in hand before they began their adoption and each of them had received an inheritance and used their inheritance to bring a treasure home.  What an inheritance they received, right?  Worth far more than any monetary value!

That being said, let's figure this whole thing out.

How can we possibly pay for an adoption when there is no "left over" at the end of the month?

Here's some thoughts on it all...

Our lives are not our own.

We were put on this earth to love God and serve others.

In fact we show our love for Him by serving others.


God's word tells us in James 1:27 that "Pure religion is to care for the orphan and widow."

Friends that's all it says.  It does not say, "Pure religion is to be a pastor, be a Bible study leader, be a worship leader or be a women's ministry director...." Nope.  Not one of those.  It says "care for the orphan and widow."

So if caring for the orphan and widow is so close to Almighty God's heart {closer than being a pastor, Bible study teacher, worship leader, women's ministry director...}, do you really think He would tell us to care for the orphan and widow and not provide for us to do so?

Come on!

Picture this:

I gather my big kids and I say, "I want you to take all the little ones to the park today."
And suppose my big kids said, "Ummm, okay, but mom, the car is empty.  It won't even move.   It's been sitting in the same spot, bone dry for months - completely out of gas and Mom, you know we live miles and miles from the nearest gas station."

Now can you imagine Dw and I saying, "We know it's out of gas.  We know we live a long ways from the gas station.  Now take the kids to the park.  Figure out how to get gas in the car yourself."

Seriously?  What loving, caring parent would do that?

On that note:

Would the God who loves the orphan more than we could ever imagine, ask us to care for them and then not provide the resources to do it??

Not a chance!

He is the faithful provider!

He is 'father to the fatherless'.

He IS the orphan's father


He is definitely NOT a deadbeat dad.

Can you seriously imagine the God of the Universe, the maker of Heaven and Earth, dangling a little treasure {or cluster of treasures} before our eyes and sneering:  "This is what I want for you, but you're gonna' have to figure it out yourself?"


He is the loving Father who adores the orphan.  But He doesn't just leave it there.  He adores you too!  In fact He has you on His mind at this exact moment as you read this.  He has YOUR best in store for you.  {Yes, even in the darkest valley, He is STILL working behind the scenes on your behalf.}

He doesn't stir our hearts for the orphan and then dump us on our head!

He stirs our hearts for the orphan so that we can have His best.

Think about this:

His heart is for the orphan...and when we purpose in our hearts to care for the most precious of His treasures, then our hearts line up with His heart and He provides every single penny we need.  

There are no exceptions to that!

The God of the Universe loves the orphan, loves you 
No, He is definitely NOT a Deadbeat Dad!  

{But how does He do it?  Part 2 Tomorrow}

Monday, September 17, 2012

We have been home 12 weeks Sunday.  I can tell this has been the longest 12 weeks of my life.  My days have been very long preparing Documents for Court and working to get them right.  Today Sept 17, 2012 all the documents are on there way to Country.
I wanted to introduce our unfaced little guy we are not allowed to show exposed face shots till after Court.  But I wanted to give you vailed view of our little man. This is an exciting time Readers.  I wanted to give you the Chance to see our precious Little Chance. I am glad to ANNOUNCE OUR PAPERS ARE GOING TO COUNTRY TODAY.  EVERYTHING HAS BEEN ACCEPTED TO GET TRANSLATED.  THIS PROCESS CAN TAKE UP TO TWO WEEKS.  Then our Agency presents to Judge and she reviews and says if we have everything we need.  If we do than we can get a court date.  I like it this way with preview.  More later when I know more for now just pray Quick court day and the rest of the Provision needs and grant to get awarded.  We have two loans that have to be payed back.  The Grants would help tremdously. We are so close but yet so far away.  God open the hearts of your people to see the awesome of Adoption and how we all have been ADOPTED BY YOU Lord.  This story is unfolding it just taking awhile.  Patience is a virtue.  Pray I get it. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Please Accept My Apology In Waiting...

What a time to wait? This time of total dependence has brought me to Samson in the Bible in the end of Samson life after all his hair had been shaved off and his eyes plucked out.  Threw difference circumstances but all the same he was at Gods mercy with no way out outside of a miracle. He was at the hands of his enemies unless God did something really Big.  Of course we have no enemies Praise the Lord but we do Need an ACT of God to finish the work He has started. He granted Samson his request and I am confident that he will answer ours as well in HIS timing and His way.  We are WOTL-{Waiting ON the LORD} right now with great EXPECTATION.  I want to apologize to all who has read my blogs or email or letters and has thought I have been harsh or even driven.  I don't  apologize because I am driven about the Orphans, and driven about our sweet little bundle of Joy that is Waiting so far away to be brought home to his forever home but for the way I have come across that has offended people or have upset one way or the other in this past 18 months.  You know who you are.  I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. You have to believe me. 
I want to say I LOVE people and I love you all. I cant even let this Journey come to completion without telling you the truth.
God has had alot of work to do on me in this 18months.  This has been the hardest year and half of my life. I am still not totally dealing with all the changes God has put in my life and my families life and all the friends that have come and gone.  My husband says we cant live in the past.   I am only standing by Gods grace and that I have by Gods grace kept my head above the water even though I really thought I was drowning. Have I did it joyfully?  I must confess I have not been.  For the first  time in my life I have had no one to fix my problem I have had to totally come to My Father in Heaven to fix our problems and answer our needs.   I have realized that somethings you just cant change and you have to forgive and let go let God do the rest.  I have felt like Isaiah when he said, " I am a man with unclean lips." I have seen my humanness and that I truly dont deserve God Love. There is nothing I can do to be righteous before him or good enough.No matter how much I try.  I have been hit with the reality of God and how much I need him in my life and how I need to really know him and if I say I know him I really need to TRUST him.  I was showed that I have not really trusted him.  I said I did but in my heart of hearts I had my doubts or thoughts will he really do some thing this awesome for us.  And Then God brought me to a Chapter in the Bible that has changed my life forever changed. Mark Rutland has a small book called Nevertheless  he brought me to Psalm1O6  God blessed His people even when they made bad choices and couldnt get it right.  Nevertheless he blessed them anyways.  Really Lord?  He knows my heart so he nows I love him and I feel horrible when I make mistakes.  But I know now if Jesus wouldnt have had to die if we was already perfect.  That is why he died so that our sins would be covered with his blood that he shed for us.  I dont understand this but I know its a free gift and I have chose to take it.  My wish is for you where ever you are you dont have understand it all you just have to believe it and confess it with your mouth so that you will be saved and go tell someone and get into a great church that will take on the responsibility of helping you to grow.

God has birthed something in me that is called Commitment we said YES and we didnt say only when it felt good or when things was going good.  We have lost so much  When your committed to something dreams can come true.  We will continue to walk in faith Alone if need be we are not quitting and we are so excited to bring our little man home.  We are the winners in the end.  LOVE the PETITTS

Friday, August 10, 2012


Advocate what does this Word mean?  God why did you give 2 totally different people from totally different places this Word?  And for the same Boy?  Then to have these two families meet in a really bizarre way?  What did you want us to do with this word on an individual level if anything at all?   God I feel like Mary and Joseph we are the unlikely couple to complete the task you have set us on.  We are defying everything that seems not humanly possible.  The story was Big already and in June it got even Bigger.  We have rose up to the calling.  Lord we have plunged in Head 1st not looking at everything around us just trying to take one step at a time.  Threw fear anxiety and working threw this to come to the place of Peace and trust.  I do trust you Lord I don’t know how you are going to do this but I do trust you.  I just want to know more about this Advocate word. So much has come to pass in this year’s time; lives have been flipped upside down.  But we still are moving forward to the march of the beat Lord.  I need to know Lord the purpose in this Word and if there is more to this word advocate that we need to be doing.  Lord stop the busyness stop the chaos just stop time and talk to us about Advocacy.  I don’t want to go threw all this and miss this word and what it was to mean to us as individuals?   Purpose 
 Lord only place the people who love you and know you to minister and take care of Chance and Hope.. Protect there ears for God haters or rebellious people. God I need wisdom in what you want us to do from this day forth.  I need to hear the voice of God.  IN Jesus Name

Friday, August 3, 2012

Would you like to MAKE A Difference IN ONE SMALL ONES LIFE???

A Minimuim of $12.OO can LITERALLY Change A Life Forever.  Please SHARE and SPREAD THE WORD...  No Joke...

I had a very interesting man tell me to dig deep if it doesnt hurt you wont appreciate it as much. Well I can tell you 1st hand it is TRUTH.  Please pray and Do what you can.

We need your help if you have benefitted from our blog and words and our story please HELP us to Spread the WORD.  With alot of people with a little amount, LARGE numbers can do GREAT THINGS.

 I am not speaking about alot.  12.OO that is it.  I have found that if we can get 59O  friends/ Bloggers to SPONSOR our precious little Boy we can meet the NEXT GOAL and Get a court Date.  Remember ONE STEP AT A TIME.
 “A Little Can Make A Lot”  challenge every Facebook or Blog friend you have to donate at least $12 that would defray the cost of Pay Pal.   
For every 1O friends/ followers that is 12O if we could get 3OO friends to donate $12 that is 36OO. 

What a HUGE way to HELP us meet the next step of 7OOO. 

 Each  that WILL Sponsor Chance and Help Bring Him Home will see the reward both Eternally and Physically the satifcation of Helping someone that Cant help himself.  

With at least $12 from 59O Friends total which would equal 7O8O.OO.  Whoa, that is Amazing how A number gets Big when you have a lot of people.  That was just a thought that come through my mind. If you want a tax deduction you can go threw Lifesongs if that is not important you can go through the CHIP IN 


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Swimming Under The Mass of PAPER Work

I have to be honest I have not had time to update I am swimming under the mass of paper work for Loans, Grants home study redone for 3rd time, doctor appointments, fingerprints, FBI clearances again for the  2nd time apostilling.   Welcome to the world of  adoption.  As I have said before it is not for the faint hearted.  I praise God we are fixing to go to court!  I praise God for Pathways to Little Feet for giving us 7,500 interest free loan.  Praise God.  Now we only need $7,000 more to reach the 17,250 for court DATE. Then we will only need roughly 16,000 to complete and I know we serve a Mighty God. Praise  GOD we are so  much closer than we was a year and half ago. We are more than half way there and I thank you to every single person that dug deep whether big or small in Gods eyes it all counts and He has did the rest.  Our precious One will be coming home because of you ones that helped.  We are learning new things and seeing alot great  things.  Isaiah 58- 62 Has encouraged me beyond words this week.  Keep praying for Gods will in our situation and Keep praying for hedges around around little guy.  

I have thought about debt alot this month. I have come to the conclusion I hate debt.  But if I had to go into debt I would much rather go in to debt over someONE than something.  We have gone all the way there is NO turning back.  We are so in LOVE with our little guy and guess what we will do it again and we would do it agian.  When you go over and see all those precious lives that need homes need momma and daddys things just seem very pale in comparison. I can live on bare minimum to walk with Jesus to bring our babies, children home. there is so many everywhere take you pick what country I am sure you can find one to love.  I am drawn to one of our new friends she just brought 5 home from Bulgaria her littles one is 5 and still fits in a baby carrier, another friend just brought her 12 year old that weighs 12 pounds, yes these facts are right, my spit fire 2 year old that weighs 14 lbs is on the heavy side compared to these other numbers.  They are all precious to him who know is Sin I know, we know we can not turn out back now EVER.. We know to much have seen too much and we gladly go a support Gods children.  Here I am use me LORD.. Please use me to take care of the ones with no voice.  I cant tell you when I will be able to update let me know you stopped by anyways.  Keep praying for court date and mighty provisions.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day' at the Beach By Ray Haynes 
91.5 Radio Station
In North East Georgia
Tell you where I am 
today in our Journey
Americans. celebrate Independence every July 4th. Christians also
·                      celebrate Independence, not
from a foreign nation, but from sin and death through the blood of Jesus. Long.........
ago the nation of Israel celebrated their independence from slavery at the hands of the Egyptians, It was a very unusual day at the beach w ith difficult choices and life and death decisions.
The two most difficult things to do in life
·  when we are facing uncertainty are to
"Go forward" and ·Wait" They seem like
opposites; but theY're often different aspects of the same command and sometimes they require the exact same action. Our feelings tell us to do just the opposite and only our faith can steady us to obey. Such was the case with Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea. "And the LORD said to Moses, 'Why do you cry to Me' Tell the children of Israel to
go forward.'" Exodus 14: 15 You may be hemmed in by impossible
. situations that feel like the Red Sea or you may be facing decisions
.. that don't have a clear answer requiting you to hear from God so you can obey Such was the case long ago on the edge of the Red Sea. As the
Israelites were escaping from Egypt, God told
. Moses to turn south, so
a wadi or canyon
area that is called the Wadi Watir which led directly to the Red Sea. From a strategic point, this was good if they could cross the sea, but bad if they were being
pursued because the mountains of the Wadi were high and narrow and provided no way of escape. But what looked like a trap was part of God's
- plan, "For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, "They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in: Exodus 14:3.

In your life today, are you standing at the end of a Wadi looking at a sea too wide to cross? And worse yet, did God lead you there and now you have no idea what to do? Consider God's wis-dom. The narrow mouth of lhe Wadi
was the perfect size for a pillar of fire to prevent the Egyptian army from pursuing the Israelites. If you're in a tight place, you're not there alone.

The beach that God led them to was the only place in the region where they could have gathered and crossed. The path they used to cross through the sea is about a half mile wide and slopes down gradually to the bottom of the Red Sea and then up to the Saudi beach. It was perfect for their need. Try to cross to the left or right of this gentle sloping path and you will fall down the steep wall of the 3000 foot Eilat Deep and the 3000 foot Aragonese Deep. And the good news is that God made the sea that you are crossing now and He knows exactly where you need to cross.

So what do we do and how do we do it when faced with moving forward or waiting on God. First. realize that you don't have a choice. You may not like the reality that you arc facing but it is very real and the only alternative is manipulating circumstances to bring change. If you do,
you may get your way now but you will not grow your faith nor will you enter the promises of God found only on the other side of trusting God. There are chariot wheels still visible on the bottom of the Red Sea that are lasting testimony to this flawed
Hebrews 10:22 encourages us, ... let us draw near with a true              heart in full assurance of faith" You want to hear God and He wants you to hear you, so take the time to draw near and be still in His presence. Ask Him to reveal His will in such tangible ways that you can't miss it.Having even a mild assurance of His will makes all the difference.
If you are on a beach in an uncertain season, don't stand staring at the Wadi and allow fear to consume you, fix your eyes on Jesus, I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes MY help?" Psalm 121:1. . Don't get distracted and build sand castles and ignore the war around you; pray, press through the distractions and temptations and draw near to God. Forgive others for what they have done and forgive yourself
for what you have done. Pray like Jesus did, •... do not lead me into temptation, but deliver me
from the evil one" If He
didn't depend on His own strength why would your strength be sufficient? And lastly, don't ever believe that God would lead you to where He can not hold you closely. You are His delight. "He also' brought me out into a
broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me." Psalm 18: 19 You may have to step out into the unknown or you may have to wait and wait and wait on God to provide what He has promised, Isaiah 40:31 declares, "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint- It's true, there is a rule built tnto the Kingdom of God that says waiting and only waiting renews strength to such a degree that weariness and fainting arc but a memory.