Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Selfless Act of Kindness

My heart has been touched by so many that have done a a selfless ACT of Kindness.  Knowing one thing OUR adoption can not happen without people like that, that understand how hard it is to raise money for something so big as this.  I cant help but go back to the Bible in the New Testament where everyone brought their money together and met the needs of the people.  Back then that is the way everyone needs got met by helping one  another.  Last night was a Big night for the Petitt just one way God has showed us that He is still in control over this situation.  WE got a huge donation from someone that wants to remain anonymous.  It was a sacrificial gift .  One that hurt.  My well loved "friend" we will call her Abby wanted to help us get a ticket. Found out they was about a 1000.00 and she sacrificially sold something to give us a 1000.00.  The verse that come to my mind John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his "friends."  From the bottom of my heart I want to thank each and everyone one you no matter how Big or How Small each Gift is appreciated and used as a good stewards.  We are trying to cut corners anywhere we can.  I know though those days that every little bit is hard to give and I have seen God be so faithful when we dont question how or even why we just do what he says to do and he blesses the little to make it a lot. God can do that and that is my prayer for each and everyone of you that giving will not be fearful because when you give it unto the Lord you cant go wrong you are not giving unto me or my family you are giving unto the Lord and for the least of these His Orphans.  Thank you and have a blessed Sunday.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MOUNTAIN BE YEA REMOVED and THEY WERE !!! Thank you Thank you

Dear “Friends”,
     Each one of you has touched our lives in someway and we wanted to SHARE the greatest NEWS. Today is A VERY Happy Emotional Day for The Petitt Household. Our dossier was accepted in Country in EE today!  They want us to be ready to travel in the next 3-4 weeks!!

November 18, 2010- we started to Save A LIFE with One Last Chance Child. We joined in with the Free Chapel Corporate Fast last year and have seen God move Mountains! Only He could MOVE these mountains to get our last chance child secured with a I600 in the United States of America.  Through the help of so many officials in so many Government offices, social workers, people who knew the adoption world and Most of all the Power of God to move Mountains , the first step was accomplished!

We had to wait one year before we could proceed on the R****** side because we found out in County he was not adoptable.( due to length of time he was in there.  His momma died in 2009, dad gave them up)   In June we found out that he had a younger brother that is 8 years old!  It was never a question… we are adopting them both.  So now we are at another New Year and participating again with the Free Chapel Corporate Fast.  We are EXPECTING for God to Move Mountains.  I just want to thank you to ALL who helped and have prayed!

They have accepted our dossier and we could leave in 3-4 weeks! This is where the rubber meets the road.  We NEED God to show up in a Big way.  We are praying for every Miracle imaginable and KINGDOM CONNECTIONS AND FAVOR. We are praying for miracle money.  Our real Journey has only Just BEGUN.

Thank you for your prayers.  God has gotten us farther than we ever thought possible.  We have just kept going as each door opened, and when one closed, He would open another one. He does fight for his children. I have seen Him do wonders in this adoption that most people never see. This was not a traditional adoption, by any means. Our agency will tell you, “There is nothing Normal about this adoption.”  I laugh.  That’s because it is God's Adoption. Not ours. We are just the vessel that said, “ Here I am.”

Blessings to All,   Phillip and Anne Petitt
"May the God of HOPE fill you with all the JOY and PEACE as you TRUST  in HIM."   Romans 15:13

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2 Less Orphans Soon to be...PRAY

We GOT FANTASTIC News for all of you who have prayed and prayed and some have even sowed into our Year LONG Journey we are IN as of Monday. WE are waiting for the news Now When is the BIG QUESTION. YEAH God thank you so much loving these children and making a way when there was no other way. I know their momma in Heaven is Rejoicing for her children. This is only the 1st step of 3 so DONT Stop PRAYING.. its working.  God is answering prayers.    If you this your 1st time go down  2 more Post for the Rest of The Story.  Blessings everyone!!!!!   God loves these boys and he is going to Bring them home.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Target Gift Card-Fundraiser Drawing!

Jump on the wagon for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Target! 

Each person who donates to our adoption will be entered to win a random drawing for a $50 target gift card!  You can donate via our Paypal below, or you can make a tax deductible donation via Lifesong for Orphans. (Located on the side bar.) Just leave a comment under this blog post, that you donated, and a way for me contact you.  I will close the giveaway the week before Valentine's Day, and do a random drawing.  If you make a minimum donation of $10, then head over to Adeye's blog at No Greater Joy Mom, and leave a comment there as well.  You will be eligible for a chance to win a $250 gift card from her blog!!  WOW!!  Two chances to win with one donation!
Click on the link below to donate via Paypal!

Welcome New BEES and Oldies to our BLog..

First, I just want to thank Adeye so much for sharing our story before thousands.  Each person that looks and reads the hearts of our lives and our desires, I pray a Special Blessing in your lives.  I pray you will be touched by the stories of these children that have No Chance if left to the world,  ONLY God's Divine Intervention can bring the Miracle we Need.  I will update you to this point. We found our "Last Chance" child last year Oct 2011 thru a hosting program for Eastern Europe.  As we proceed forward we found out his momma died 2009, Dads rights terminated in Nov 2010,  we had to wait 1 year after that which was this NOV. But in that he was turning 16 in March 2011 so we had to secure him on the United States side till we could move forward.  By the Grace of God that all happened according to His plan. WE found out in June there is an 8 year old sibling we could not and would not want to separate them. They have already been separated for 2 years each of them not knowing where the other is.  SO we are now going after the TWO. We believe in FAITH and we CAN NOT put a PRICE on a SOUL.  Please Join us in PRAYING FOR a Miracle for Cole and Alec. We have over 65,000 to raise for our "Last Chance" adoption and his 8 year old Brother and we are waiting for the NEXT STEP.  Feel free to linger on our blog & read and watch our video # 2 Alec is not yet on their because number 2 is yet a surprise to us too, we just know that we will adopt them both to keep them together forEVER the way Their dieing MOMMA wanted it. In JESUS Name.   Isaiah 40:31 But those who Wait on the Lord will find new strength.  They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.    This is the Word the Lord has given me to be still and Wait His timing is Perfect so as we wait to bring our children home we thank you for praying and believing God is ABLE TO do Excellently and Abundantly more than we could ever ask hope or dream. OuR God is ABLE.  LoveWINS, Phillip and Anne

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quick Update

Our lady went today to submit our papers but the lady we need will not be in till next week. She is taking a longer break.  So we need everyone to keep praying for GODS TIMING not ours. He has a plan and we truly do not want to go before HIM or after HIM.  He is our LIGHT, HE is the WAY and we have set what we want aside to just fully trust Him in this Journey. We have heard that airfare , hotel rates and everything else is best in February and March.  So do pray we can keep in these 2 months and it would be great to bring Cole home by his birthday March 9.  But again we are so in on GODs timing not ours.  WE had a wonderful Christmas, a relaxing Christmas. God was so good to me. I prayed specifically that God would allow us to have a wonderful peace filled CHRISTmas this year.  God really impressed upon me that this was our last Christmas together as the 4 or us and I just wanted so bad that it would be special and it was. It was the best Christmas ever. I am not talking presents and all that I am just talking about the atmosphere the love, family, and connection.  I thoroughly enjoyed having my husband around for that extended time.  It was the best.  Thank you Lord our eyes are on you.