Monday, June 25, 2012

Not alot of time to post I have not working internet at the house everything crashed the Thursday before we left. Not good.  We are home and yes we ARE in LOVE with our precious 14lb maybe soaking wet 2 year old.  Those beautiful coal black eyes that beautiful olive skin.  He loves to cuddle, be tickled, be chased, run, eat bananas, drink juicy juice, eat animal crackers, Oh my goodness please pray us back soon for court.  I cant stand it I am dieing.  More details later.  Needing Miracle. Love Anne

Friday, June 22, 2012

Due to the privacy act in Russia, we cannot post any pictures of minors until we have become the legal gaurdians of said minors. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. (note: we would be happy to share photos with you once we will be back in Us)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Day till the Last Day for an Unknown Time:(

 Running so fast after the dropped him off to jump into my arms.  How precious are those feet and hands and little guy.
The day before a the last with no Idea when our second trip will come?  What a hard reality.  To be given such a gift and then know it will be taken away for a time of who knows when? I miss my home, I miss our two oldest 10 and 14 I cant wait to see them.  And so blessed I have my mom this trip that has been watching them since we have been gone so I can rest in that.  Leaving our little one is of the hardest thing I can grasp at this point.  I will miss his arms wrapping around me so tight after he has run to me so fast with his little legs with such a big smile on his face.   All I can do is pray to GOD in Heaven to have mercy on me and my family and bring HIS Orphan No More HOme to a new home with a mom who adores him and a Dad that thinks he is awesome.  and two brothers that have never met him and thinks he is awesome already site unseen. Nothing long just aREMINDER :  A Little Makes A Lot.  DO what you can and Let God do the Rest.  Please Help Us Bring our Little Boy Home.  Do it in Honor of your children, grandchildren,  the ones you want and dont have, God has blessed you please bless Chance by bringing him to America to a Family who wants him and Loves him very much.  Help us meet our goals to Save A Life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Be still my heart we went back today as soon as he seen us we got this HUGE smile on his little face squeeled with delight and Ran as fast as his little tiny legs could run with his 12 months Carter pants with suspenders holding them up.  Oh how precious was He.  He was devinely Happy to see the familiar faces he had been introduced to the day before.  Today we learned about Brats and Bubbas meaning Brothers, and MaMa and PaPa.  He got the picture cube with all his new families pictures on it.  And his new fluffy comfort blanket. Today we seen that there is some real language barriers. It is hard getting what he wants if you dont know what he wants.  He likes the corner when he is frustrated.  As cute as he is anything he does is too cute.  SO yes we laughed and tried to figure out what he wanted.  He actually learned how to drink a juice box today and walked over very confidently before we knew what he was doing and used his new blanket so nicely to wipe his chin off.  Very good boy.  Yesterday he did not know how to suck on straw today he finally got it half way threw.  That is a smart boy.  Saying more words He says PaPa very good and looks at Phillip and of course Phillip is moosh all over.  He has Phillip dripping from the hands.  He wanted to give him another juice box because he knew that is why he placed his self in the corner he didnt want anymore animal crackers-COOKIES, He didnt want the BEADS, or Balls he wanted another juice box which would of given him a belly ache and other things.
       Today we seen some of the other children.  My brain is haunted by the eyes.  One little girl I am agonizing over.  These BIG beautiful Brown eyes that come up to me with such temid courage hoping for me to show her what I had. "A CAMERA". She let me take a picture of her then we looked at the picture.  Did not get to spend much time before hurried to by nurse to finish our looking of the sleeping area and to say bye for the day.  They have routine and we coming in does break that a bit.  Please pray for this sweet princess.  There was actually more girls than boys.  I seen a little litte down syndrome girl very sweet and quiet little girl.  A blonde little girl with little hair 1 and half or 2.  Our little guy was by far the smallest of the bunch all the other children tower over him.  Bless his heart. 
      The eyes of please something :  fill in the blank; Love me , Hold me , Play with me, take me home,  be my__________?  Oh heaven help me if I had 10,000 more I could take her and Chance.  What a horrible situation to be in.  TO want so bad just to make a life better and to give a home to children.  and to know the limits that your life has that you cant humanly can do unless divine intervention. She is 3.5 at 4 they go to a regular orphanage.  Where the Big children are.  She is still a itty bitty still a baby really.  Not ready for such a change in the world and in her life.  Please pray for her I will call her Na'- Ta'l- ya'.  Natalya she is beautiful.  The Biggest brown eyes EVER.  So precious.

Had a wonderful evening last night with a great friend out on the town down the main road in Country have great pictures coming.  Cant wait to share.  Some today when can get loaded. 

Pray for my heart and pray for the workers of these children that God will give them patience and love for these children and a geniune gentleness with them.  NO matter where they come from or what is wrong with them that they will be seen AS SPECIAL.  The main Nurse seen our two boys and asked very specifically why would you want another boy?  I told her we love children doesnt matter whether boys or girl they are all great and we are very excited to get another BOY.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Those PRECIOUS EARS, Adorable cheeks,
Sweet face.
These are 18 months Bib Overalls and they are litterally pulled back
all the way to very back to make short enough for height. 
SPELLS ADORABLE.  More tomorrow. Had a wonderful time
tonight in DownTown Counry with a wonderful friend who lives here half and half of
year.  Had a wonderful time of laughter and fear. Can be a scary place at times... I had
two body guards.  Heehee.  Night its 12:15am we leave at 9:00 to see Chance.
Blessings to all.

Monday, June 18, 2012

                                           HE loved the beads ever said, "Ba eee dddssss"

PRECIOUS are the hands and feet of our sweet baby to BE. He is extra SMALL and
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet.  He aleady let me eat his fingers, tried to eat the camera,
he has hugged and layed his head on my shoulders,  He is a keeper forsure and we are so IN
love with him.  He loves his soon to be PAPA.  Good laughs. His little face just lights up with JOY and GLEE.

Our time is very limited these days very busy.  We have been here 2days now and it has been hit the floor running the whole whole time since here.  We have seen our precious baby thats has been chosen for us by the Committee and we are very pleased. He is very precious.  He is way esmaller than we could of ever imagined. Not sure on weight yet but I would say maybe 14 lbs if that.  Very mall but so precious. Loves to be loved and cuddled.  loves kisses, at animal crackers for 1st time wasnt so sure of that.  Liked the juice didnt know how to drink a from a straw. His official name is Chance Michael.  I picked Chance which means Lord of Judgement  Phillip wanted Michael.  So we combined them.  His BirthDAY Nov 4, 2010. 
We have all our 8Medical MD doctors today.  You can pray for me.  I DO NOT like all that goes with that.. No offense just not so good on Blood...  eeeekkkkkk  More later. Pray we will get to see him today even if its later today after his nap.  Blessings to all.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Leaving in Several hrs the emotions are high.  The day has been very rough to say the least. WE have had major computer malfunctions.  We have no internet with the boys to Skype now while gone.  I am going to try to find a friend who will have mercy on us and let our boys Skype at there house  some.  That is if I even get my computer to work.  Will be heading to the Golden Arches McDonalds to see if I can get mine to work in morning? So at this point I make no promises as to if I will be able to blog daily. I know I will get to get on someones at least once forsure.  Prayers are appreciated.  I still cant believe this is totally happening. Thank you GOD in HeaVEN THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS MADE THIS HAPPEN.  PRAISE BE TO JESUS.  Going to bed EXHAUSTED.  Packed (almost) and ready to go.  Blessings

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Now that we are very close to heading out totals are in.  Remaining Balance is in and we are just thrilled to see what the Lord has done.  We really are just shocked in and of its self to be honest with you.  The Lord had given us 2 KEY VERSES when started this Journey a very along time ago and He has been faithful to keep us going on the road and showing us He is faithful and can be trusted in even the most unlikely situations.  I leave theses Verses with you tonight. 
Psalm 68:6  God sets the lonely in families, He sets the captive free and restores their JOY...

Counting down the days, the minutes, so happy for all those who are already in there country holding there babies, loving on them.  Playing with there big boys, all the ones who have already brought their Chosen ONE for their families.  WE are praying right there with you. Praying for all you out there that havent got to go see your children yet.  Oh my goodness my heart aches for you I know the pain of time  and I am so not looking forward to the pain of time between court and getting back. I pray for GODSPEED for trip 2 and 3.  Praise be to Jesus.  Blessings
OH MY I just cant believe it  IS almost time.  So much less than a week.  I could really just kiss the people feet over there for inviting to come.  ITs miracle that we are coming and I am very thankful and grateful that the door is still open and has been opened even further.  Thank you to all who has made this possible.  Lots to do to get ready.  Silly prayer but I have lost my cream tank top that goes under other shirts?  I am so sad it was one I had brought at a yard sale in Charlotte I loved it.  Please pray some how it turns up.  Also pray for my heart I am already having to leave our ONE behind when we leave. Pray God will give me strength and Grace.  Make it great day Do somethi

Monday, June 11, 2012

Quick note Craziness everything fell threw for rooms on Saturday we as go crazy all week trying to figure out a NEW Plan. Found rooms ranging 375.00 to 268.00 a night. OUch Needless to say we kept searching.Instead of waiting and trusting the Lord. I did not and I failed Waiting On The Lord. Found something and was very grateful to the person that helped me. Found an affordable place that work. But on Saturday God is So good and ON time. Christian University had a party cancel and had rooms for us. So we confirmed Sunday and we are already to go. We arrangement wise. We still have packing. We are praising God for his provision as far as we know we are fully funded this 1st trip which is a blessing and a Divine Miracle. We are excited beyond words. Instead of waiting and trusting the Lord. I did not and I failed in that. Praying to learnt this lesson quick. I still cant believe I am actually going to country. I am actually very excited to go. I have roots in Lithuania which was under Russia way back long ago. Very hard times for our people and I cant imagine that pain. I thank God for healing and restoration. More later on being squeezed.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

 I want to be real?  My husband and I have stepped out in faith believing with God all things are possible. I just want to take a few minutes and thank those who have helped from a 1.00 to 5,000.00 each amount has meant the world to us.  It is not the amount that matters its the intentions of the heart that matter  and the LOVE behind it.  God multiplies the Gifts. He has, we are READY for 1st trip.  Praise be to Jesus.  Giving God all the Glory and all those who helped us get to this point. We COULD not of did it on our own I promise you that.

Pride is not a factor, I lost that when we got the call saying COME.  We will share our Journey freely.  It is very expensive but I truly believe one cannot put a PRICE on a SOUL.  “A LIFE” there is no amount of money worth some ones life. 

  1. We believe IT will all come in...
  2. We love this ONE and God will provide threw His people and His ways to finish the Journey.  
  3. Then God gets all the glory from it.  We are just being obedient to His Word the BIBLE, where it says to take care of the Orphans, Widows, Fatherless and  the Foreigners.
  4. We will adopt as many children as the Lord provides for.  Right now our focus is for this wee one. 
  5. My prayer is one day we will not have to raise funds for adoptions.  I pray that God will bless my husband with an even better job that we can be self funded.  What a blessings that would be.  But right now we still have to raise the funds.
  6. I will just be honest with you or anyone else every penny helps and is a HUGE Blessings. No amount is too small.  I was looking the other day we have had over 8,900 visits to my site since started if everyone who  has visited donated a dollar that would be over 8,900 dollars for the Journey of Saving a LIFE.  That is HUGE in the adoption World.
  7. I don't feel like it should be a secret some countries are just plum expensive and the average Joe doesn't have that laying around. Contrary to the belief that all Americans are rich.  But when the Body of Christ comes around and operates per Bible it is amazing what God can do with hearts willing to give back what is not ours anyways, to something that God has asked us to do anyway.
  8. I look at the buildings, churches, houses, cars, vacations, clothes, furniture and so much more and I am just blown away. The Expense of these things...In our world, the American world they are looked upon as needs. But a lot of times when you talk about adopting a child this is just a few things that get said.   Oh really? That Much? Oh my, how are you going to afford that? That is just too much... I cant believe they charge that much... I am a ponder, I ponder and think A Lot. I have really thought about this for the year and a half of this Journey.  I hear all this but its nothing for people to put money on things rather than people? to the smallest thing to the Largest thing.  Why is that?  I truly don't understand this upside down world.  We have chose to do this why because we want to give life to our Precious with a mom and dad here on earth but also Hope for all of Eternity?  Raised in a home that will Love, Cherish and teach Truth along the Way.  Question I have asked my self do I care more about things?  or People?  and what am I teaching our children. Sometimes we have to wonder if we are doing a good job? Things or People, Really?  Why not?  I have been pondering on this.  The only thing I could come up with is Value of Life.  DO we really Value Life and see the Value of A Life?  To me this One is precious and a life that is of the up most importance. 
  9.  I had the sweetest thing happen the other day my son had lost 50.00 he found it again the other Day.  The 1st day he come up to me and handed me 5.00 for tithe.  A child?  A 10 year old child giving back his 10 percent back to the Lord.  That blessed me. Then the next day I could tell some thing was on his heart. He said Momma I want to give all my money to ******.  I can take ****** to Heaven with me. I cant take toys they just break.  Talk about weeping and being over whelmed. He gets it folks he gets it. I praise God by Gods Grace we have taught our children the value of LIFE. Life  is more important than things any day.  Wednesday both boys had side jobs.  Guess what this time they made 40.00 each they both gave me the check and told me they wanted to put it towards bringing there new special one home.  Though this may not sound like a lot in the grand scheme of the amount we need.  I am seeing my boys grow tremendously threw this year and Half.  Things are not mattering to us. All we want is the CHILD God has literally hand picked for us.  This life is not our life and when we give our lives to God for his plans that is when we truly find life.  When we do something for others that is unexpected that is when we find that joy that is unexplainable.  I Challenge each and everyone of you to do something you think is crazy and help us bring our Sweetie home.  Have faith to know when Precious is finally revealed you will love as much as we do and you will know you really had a part in changing a life for all ETERNITY.  How Cool is that?
  10. The REALITY of things....
  11. The Adoption its self is 38,995.00 American money.  Add airfare based on what we have already put out, lodging, Visa add 11950.75 to that  this does not including food with only One going last trip.  You see we are believing in something BIGGER than us.  A Miracle to save a Life. It not about us.
  12. This 1st trip we have already paid out already 3556.00 flights, 768.00 Visa, room rate will cost as of today 305.00 +200.00 we have to take 5,000 cash to Country, and this does not include food. 
  13. When we get back from Country we have to pay 19700.00 to Agency just to get to the next step. 
  14.  That doesn’t include what we have to take for 2nd trip.  We need 3,000 cash plus all the airfare, hotel, food and lodging again. 
  15. Then we come to 3rd trip airfare again, lodging, food and on top of that adding 650 more just to get to where the US Embassy is and pay then pay all there fees. 6605.00 to Country. So as you can see there is a HUGE Need. Why do it because the Greatest Gift of all IS Love.  I can do all these things but if I have not Love everything I have done is in VAIN.  Love is why we are doing it.  Any and every child deserves a Chance. We want to be a part of this Life line giver.  We LOVE...
  16. I don’t know exactly what you was thinking But we  do need all who can to help and all that will please share our blog and Need. Someone may be looking for a ministry like this to sow into.  If you go threw Pay Pal it is Tax Deduction.  It does not go to us it goes to Help  give a Precious one a CHANCE of a normal life with brothers, sisters and a family. 100percent towards the Adoption.   Bringing us ONE step Closer to Final destination.  HOME.
  17. YOU all have been prayed for and we are praying Blessing on your family.  Time for reflection and FOOD for Thought.                   Blessings For Life