Advocate what does this Word mean? God why did you give 2 totally different
people from totally different places this Word?
And for the same Boy? Then to
have these two families meet in a really bizarre way? What did you want us to do with this word on
an individual level if anything at all?
God I feel like Mary and Joseph we are the unlikely couple to complete
the task you have set us on. We are
defying everything that seems not humanly possible. The story was Big already and in June it got
even Bigger. We have rose up to the
calling. Lord we have plunged in Head 1st
not looking at everything around us just trying to take one step at a
time. Threw fear anxiety and working
threw this to come to the place of Peace and trust. I do trust you Lord I don’t know how you are
going to do this but I do trust you. I
just want to know more about this Advocate word. So much has come to pass in
this year’s time; lives have been flipped upside down. But we still are moving forward to the march
of the beat Lord. I need to know Lord
the purpose in this Word and if there is more to this word advocate that we
need to be doing. Lord stop the busyness
stop the chaos just stop time and talk to us about Advocacy. I don’t want to go threw all this and miss
this word and what it was to mean to us as individuals? Purpose
Lord only place the
people who love you and know you to minister and take care of Chance and Hope.. Protect there ears for
God haters or rebellious people. God I need wisdom in what you want us to do
from this day forth. I need to hear the
voice of God. IN Jesus Name