Saturday, September 29, 2012

 One of my very favorite blogs.. I had to share I left her blog so you can go get part 2 and soon to come 3.  My hope Lies in the Lord and His promises to the Orphan.  Have a blessed weekend.

 Thursday, September 27, 2012

He is NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 1}

Over the years I have had literally hundreds of emails from families who want to adopt, but find themselves worried, fearful and immobilized by the financial end of it all.

Friends, listen up!

In the last 28+ years {since we began adopting}, we have NOT met one person/couple/family who found a treasure, began that treasure's adoption yet had to bring it to a halt because they couldn't provide the resources to bring that treasure home.  We've not met ONE.

However, on the other hand, in the same 28+ years, I think I can remember two people who had the full amount for an adoption in hand before they began their adoption and each of them had received an inheritance and used their inheritance to bring a treasure home.  What an inheritance they received, right?  Worth far more than any monetary value!

That being said, let's figure this whole thing out.

How can we possibly pay for an adoption when there is no "left over" at the end of the month?

Here's some thoughts on it all...

Our lives are not our own.

We were put on this earth to love God and serve others.

In fact we show our love for Him by serving others.


God's word tells us in James 1:27 that "Pure religion is to care for the orphan and widow."

Friends that's all it says.  It does not say, "Pure religion is to be a pastor, be a Bible study leader, be a worship leader or be a women's ministry director...." Nope.  Not one of those.  It says "care for the orphan and widow."

So if caring for the orphan and widow is so close to Almighty God's heart {closer than being a pastor, Bible study teacher, worship leader, women's ministry director...}, do you really think He would tell us to care for the orphan and widow and not provide for us to do so?

Come on!

Picture this:

I gather my big kids and I say, "I want you to take all the little ones to the park today."
And suppose my big kids said, "Ummm, okay, but mom, the car is empty.  It won't even move.   It's been sitting in the same spot, bone dry for months - completely out of gas and Mom, you know we live miles and miles from the nearest gas station."

Now can you imagine Dw and I saying, "We know it's out of gas.  We know we live a long ways from the gas station.  Now take the kids to the park.  Figure out how to get gas in the car yourself."

Seriously?  What loving, caring parent would do that?

On that note:

Would the God who loves the orphan more than we could ever imagine, ask us to care for them and then not provide the resources to do it??

Not a chance!

He is the faithful provider!

He is 'father to the fatherless'.

He IS the orphan's father


He is definitely NOT a deadbeat dad.

Can you seriously imagine the God of the Universe, the maker of Heaven and Earth, dangling a little treasure {or cluster of treasures} before our eyes and sneering:  "This is what I want for you, but you're gonna' have to figure it out yourself?"


He is the loving Father who adores the orphan.  But He doesn't just leave it there.  He adores you too!  In fact He has you on His mind at this exact moment as you read this.  He has YOUR best in store for you.  {Yes, even in the darkest valley, He is STILL working behind the scenes on your behalf.}

He doesn't stir our hearts for the orphan and then dump us on our head!

He stirs our hearts for the orphan so that we can have His best.

Think about this:

His heart is for the orphan...and when we purpose in our hearts to care for the most precious of His treasures, then our hearts line up with His heart and He provides every single penny we need.  

There are no exceptions to that!

The God of the Universe loves the orphan, loves you 
No, He is definitely NOT a Deadbeat Dad!  

{But how does He do it?  Part 2 Tomorrow}

Monday, September 17, 2012

We have been home 12 weeks Sunday.  I can tell this has been the longest 12 weeks of my life.  My days have been very long preparing Documents for Court and working to get them right.  Today Sept 17, 2012 all the documents are on there way to Country.
I wanted to introduce our unfaced little guy we are not allowed to show exposed face shots till after Court.  But I wanted to give you vailed view of our little man. This is an exciting time Readers.  I wanted to give you the Chance to see our precious Little Chance. I am glad to ANNOUNCE OUR PAPERS ARE GOING TO COUNTRY TODAY.  EVERYTHING HAS BEEN ACCEPTED TO GET TRANSLATED.  THIS PROCESS CAN TAKE UP TO TWO WEEKS.  Then our Agency presents to Judge and she reviews and says if we have everything we need.  If we do than we can get a court date.  I like it this way with preview.  More later when I know more for now just pray Quick court day and the rest of the Provision needs and grant to get awarded.  We have two loans that have to be payed back.  The Grants would help tremdously. We are so close but yet so far away.  God open the hearts of your people to see the awesome of Adoption and how we all have been ADOPTED BY YOU Lord.  This story is unfolding it just taking awhile.  Patience is a virtue.  Pray I get it. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Please Accept My Apology In Waiting...

What a time to wait? This time of total dependence has brought me to Samson in the Bible in the end of Samson life after all his hair had been shaved off and his eyes plucked out.  Threw difference circumstances but all the same he was at Gods mercy with no way out outside of a miracle. He was at the hands of his enemies unless God did something really Big.  Of course we have no enemies Praise the Lord but we do Need an ACT of God to finish the work He has started. He granted Samson his request and I am confident that he will answer ours as well in HIS timing and His way.  We are WOTL-{Waiting ON the LORD} right now with great EXPECTATION.  I want to apologize to all who has read my blogs or email or letters and has thought I have been harsh or even driven.  I don't  apologize because I am driven about the Orphans, and driven about our sweet little bundle of Joy that is Waiting so far away to be brought home to his forever home but for the way I have come across that has offended people or have upset one way or the other in this past 18 months.  You know who you are.  I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. You have to believe me. 
I want to say I LOVE people and I love you all. I cant even let this Journey come to completion without telling you the truth.
God has had alot of work to do on me in this 18months.  This has been the hardest year and half of my life. I am still not totally dealing with all the changes God has put in my life and my families life and all the friends that have come and gone.  My husband says we cant live in the past.   I am only standing by Gods grace and that I have by Gods grace kept my head above the water even though I really thought I was drowning. Have I did it joyfully?  I must confess I have not been.  For the first  time in my life I have had no one to fix my problem I have had to totally come to My Father in Heaven to fix our problems and answer our needs.   I have realized that somethings you just cant change and you have to forgive and let go let God do the rest.  I have felt like Isaiah when he said, " I am a man with unclean lips." I have seen my humanness and that I truly dont deserve God Love. There is nothing I can do to be righteous before him or good enough.No matter how much I try.  I have been hit with the reality of God and how much I need him in my life and how I need to really know him and if I say I know him I really need to TRUST him.  I was showed that I have not really trusted him.  I said I did but in my heart of hearts I had my doubts or thoughts will he really do some thing this awesome for us.  And Then God brought me to a Chapter in the Bible that has changed my life forever changed. Mark Rutland has a small book called Nevertheless  he brought me to Psalm1O6  God blessed His people even when they made bad choices and couldnt get it right.  Nevertheless he blessed them anyways.  Really Lord?  He knows my heart so he nows I love him and I feel horrible when I make mistakes.  But I know now if Jesus wouldnt have had to die if we was already perfect.  That is why he died so that our sins would be covered with his blood that he shed for us.  I dont understand this but I know its a free gift and I have chose to take it.  My wish is for you where ever you are you dont have understand it all you just have to believe it and confess it with your mouth so that you will be saved and go tell someone and get into a great church that will take on the responsibility of helping you to grow.

God has birthed something in me that is called Commitment we said YES and we didnt say only when it felt good or when things was going good.  We have lost so much  When your committed to something dreams can come true.  We will continue to walk in faith Alone if need be we are not quitting and we are so excited to bring our little man home.  We are the winners in the end.  LOVE the PETITTS