Monday, July 8, 2013

We are still ALIVE and DOING WELL>..

We had a wonderful visit with Phillip's family and even had a reunion. I got to see my mom. That was so refreshing. Miss her so much. 
I have not forgot about you and I hope to get some writing done this weekend as we will have a long break during July 4th.( didnt get much wrote)  :)   I will try to update with new pictures. Chance is a real Joy and he has brought much Joy to our family.  We know the Miracle we have and we do not take it lightly.  Chance by the Grace of God is doing great. Growing 25lbs now.  I am going to just do pictures right now.  That is all I really have time for and we have some great ones after the 4th of July.  Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY>> 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Never seen by most Live Footage from Orphanage in June 2012...

God lead us to make this video and to take to into the churches by sharing the miracle of Adopting and to bring awareness of our adventure. But unfortunately more churches than not was not interested and we was not able to share this video as we had thought.  May the Lord bless you for anyone who shares and anyone who feels lead to help in the remaining loans and funds we still have.  As many has seen he has been so worth the wait, the time, the money.  A life changed for ever.   Some of the children you may even know.  We compiled several children to bring brought about this Video so that people can see how lives have been changed by adoption and how others are still Left behind.  Feel free to copy and paste and see how far this video can reach to the end of the earth.   May the Gospel be Shared according to James 1:27. When you do it to the least of these you have done unto ME.   EnJOY the Video.  The Petitts

It really HAPPENED!

WE have a baby,  we have a little boy,  we have a walking breathing MIRACLE.  The Miracle God promised us over two and half years.  A miracle that almost didnt happen.  A miracle satan tried to take away many time.  But guess what God was bigger and when God opens a door NO man CAN SHUT that DOOR.  I 1st hand seen this.  Due to job funds and ect my husband could not go with me on this pick up trip.  But my son went to pick up what God has gave us.  As he calls his self today Chance Michael Deniska Meeka BooBoo.  These all the names he is called on a given day.  He loves his names and says them regularly.  I realize its been 2 months 1 week 3 days since we brought our little one home.  We are still in love and he is the Joy of our lives.  We went out on faith believing in a dream that God started.  Started out with zero dollars for something this big.  And God has provided and still in providing.

Tonight I wanted to just come and tell you how proud I am of Chance.  As I said and was driving today and listen to the squeals of happiness with his brothers in the back seat of the car I really began to reflect how brave Chance really was and had to be.  His middle name means strong one he had to be strong to do what he has done and go where he has had to go and to endure the things he has had to endore and to be OK and to be as happy as he is, to fit in as well as he has.  He has been home 9 weeks and 3 days but he has 3 homes already in that time.  And honestly has done very well with it.  He is an ADAPTABLE child and a STRONG one.  On the 19th of March our baby had a horrible thing happen to him.  I seen strength like I have never seen before.  We went to a routine doctor visit and I let them do an immunization 1st mistake.  But anyways he has severe reaction to this immunization which he was already sick the night before with small fever but the this spike his already low grade fever up causing sever seizures it was awful and scary all at the same time.  It ended us up in the hospital that night and I seen a little boy with numbing cream on his arm not even cry when blood was drawn.  I seen him be strong and endure that pain and uncomfortableness of the what i thought was a horrible situation.  I seen them trying to do an IV 3 different stick and I seen this strong child submit to the nursings will and do what they had to to get it done.  Oh I can say I am not that strong and MOM was flipping out.  I seen him Adapt to the situation.  I seen all this new life and how he has just rolled right into the American life.  I love to see him smile, and laugh with glee,  I love to see him explore,  I love him walk about in our shoes and think he has done something wonderful,  I love to see him love our beloved dog bruster,  I love to see him playing with his wonderful brother,  I love to see him raise his hands in church hollar AMEN when they get done praying or clap his hands with hollar with glee when everyone else is giving God the Glory, I love to see him fold his hand when he is eating any meal or a snack.  I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE  my heart can not be more ful.

God knew what he was doing and this adoption was on his time frame and he did what he wanted with it.  We could of not moved to the right or the left even if we wanted to.  That door had to be opened and kept opened by the Lord who was ordering our steps.  There is so much of a story here and I dont have the time to share yet but I will I promise.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Article in The Jackson Herald

Sharing the news article about our adoption published in The Jackson Herald on February 27, 2013. (The article is posted below in two separate PDF files uploaded to New Hope's website.) Hope you enjoy reading it.

Maysville foster family celebrates arrival of Russian adopted son
Continued on Page 2

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God is just messing me UP!!!

I can only stand and be amazed what the Lord has done.  There is so much I want to share but my heart is full and the time is not yet. For now I ask everyone to pray that we will have no problems Thursday with getting Passports on time and leave  Feb 2nd to come home as a family.  And to start a new season in our life.  Thank you for all of you that have helped in the Ten for Orphan fund raiser.  What a huge blessing it is for my family one that is very much needed. I pray blessings on each and everyone of you that gives to this adoption. I know God will bless and replenish it excellently and abundantly more than you could ever ask, hope, and dream.  I believe you cant out give GOD and I am praying for each and everyone of you to enjoy this blog go back and read from beginning you will see the MIRACLE that GOD HAS DONE.  YOU cant go wrong when God is in it.  Keep praying for our family we are in country and we are ready to come home.  So much has transpired and God has done such a good job.  He is GOD and HE has our back.  our baby is precious and we feel so very blessed....

Friday, January 25, 2013

Still here in COUNTRY...

Hello,  Well things have went smoothly we are still waiting to get Chance's Russian Passport. Will have Thursday.  Will not be in Moscow till Friday and Lord willing will leave still Saturday if Embassy will get us done in one DAY.  Pray this will happen. We are ready to go home to USA.  Chance is doing wonderful.  He does like his naps.  Which is good.  He is too cute we are enjoying him so much.  Keeps momma busy my own days are gone for several years again. YEAH  Will do more updating later going to take a nappy.  We are in the waiting MODE, to go home this time for good..  God has done a miracle Lots of Media coverage which was surprising German media wants to meet us in Moscow and take us to Red Square and film more there and not sure where else. Not sure the reason behind it all but I will be advocating for those still left behind and pleading with President Putin to the the 150 to go home.  Please keep praying with us.  These children have met there parents they are waiting for them to come. There was a comment made that they think anyone can be there momma and Papa.  I can tell you clearly our son met us in June and he clearly knew who we was in Dec and now he wont let me out of his sight and we have only had him since Wednesday.  He knows his MOMMA and calls me MOMMA.  So  I dont agree with that statement its a natural instinct that a child knows who is loves them so and has that natural instint to protect and keep safe.  The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Just a thought.  Blessings to all.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I bring you GOOD NEWS from IN Country. Give God all the Glory!!!

We arrived here on the 20th with expectation of Getting Chance on the 21st.  But that did not happen.  We got a call from the Judges quarters stating that we must come in.  We went to the court house and was told that the Public Prosecutor was filing an appeal on the grounds that Chance was not exposed to enough Russians for adoption.  IN court it was stated that there was several couples who came but was not interested in him after hearing medical diagnosis's.  So his claim was not accurate, he had exposure.  To make a long story short I appealed to the President Of Russia and let him know I was having problems and needed their help.  I had sent a letter several weeks earlier about our adoption and thanking him for having the CHANCE to adopt Chance.  SO they was already aware of our case. I am not sure exactly what changed the persons mind who made the appeal  but we are very grateful for his withdrawal of his petition.  WE are having many interviews with TV, radio, and not sure what else.  I feel even are agency is shocked at the granting of our baby.  The people are very excited that we are bringing Chance home. They really dont understand the Americans desire to adopt.  I feel I was able to answer some of these questions in a positive way.  My prayer was that they would see my Heart behind the perseverance of patience in this long time of waiting.  Had a great time with TV people.  Very nice.  I thank you for the many prayers that have went up and we are very excited for the NEXT season of our life to begin with Chance.  I have let them know we have found a little girl that is very special to us and if President Putin lifts the Ban than we will come and get her.  SO please keep praying for Hope Rosemary.  I am hoping to see her before we leave.  My husband has said bring his boys home so that is what we are doing we will be leaving Feb 2 for American.  Blessings to ALL.

Friday, January 11, 2013

In the STILL of the NIGHT

We are still WAITING and WATCHING to see what God is going to do in this situation?

I friend from another country sent me an encouraging WORD!!!!   God is Faithful and never lies or go back on His Word. If He gave you His Word, then that is the only truth you need. It doesn't matter what the enemy throws your way, keep your eyes on Jesus!  I know repeatedly GOd has given me HIS Word. SO I hold on that that and keep my eyes on JESUS.  I will leave you with some of HIS WORDs to my heart.
Luke 1:45 "Blessed is she who believed,for there will be fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord."
Luke: 2:19But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

God has me pondering on Joseph coat of many colors and Mary the Mother of Jesus.  God make a promise to both of them.  He brought it to pass. It was impossible for a virgin to conceive. She did!!! Praise the LORD. Luke 1:37 says, "For with God nothing will be Impossible."

Joseph had a dream shared it prematurely and it brought many years of heart ache but God was faithful to bring the dream to pass.  When God has given you a vision, a dream, A Sound Word He can not lie. He already knows the end of your life and what is going to be in your life and what is not.  He knows the end of the story and if He has clearly already told you so then we must not let doubt creap in,  Imagine Joseph if he had not believed God threw all those years of hard times.

In my truth in Action under Steps to Realize Fulfilled Vision I wanted to share this at the end of Genesis.
The life of Joseph powerfully displays God sovereign ablitiy to bring to pass His destiny for an obedient individual. In his youth, Joseph recieved a vision of Gods plan for his life..... to be continued                                                             


God in his mercy and President Putin is letting us come and get our children.  We are very thankful to be able to get Chance.  WE are very busy we leave in a weeks time.  Quick.  WE are not complaining we are thankful for this day that has come finally after 2 long years of battles we are finally going to bring home what was only a dream so many years ago.  I am very grateful and I give God all the GLORY.  HE has did this MIRACLE we have prayed for.  Blessings and usually will start posting as we go threw our 15 days between St Pete and Moscow.  Thank you for all the prayers and followers.  WE are still praying for HOPE ROSEMARY we have not stopped praying. PRay for her a family.  a Russian family because as of right now no one else will be able to adopt anymore children from Russia.  So I pray for a Russian family to love her and care for her.  Blessings to all. Anne