This is a lengthy post with a WHOLE lot of MEAT. My prayer is you will read it since its been since July 2013 that I have posted. Life has been turned upside down and we are getting right side up as much as we can with the Life we live. A NEW NORM. I truly Love our viewers and I have missed you. So much has went undone including our blog post. ENJOY!!!!!
This picture is Chance in the when we 1st met him in June 2012 and Dec 2012 and then several pictures of 2013. What huge change a home and a family can MAKE. He is doing AWESOME. Very lovable. Everyone loves Chance. What is there not to love. Thank you for sharing this Journey with us.
I wrote this what seems so long ago. May of 2012. Before we got the call to go meet our little guy in June 2012. I will give you all a GREAT UP date too. I am sorry again for the long lapse but I will fill you in on that TOO.
Today all documents in Country. All ones waiting on are in route to destination. Figures have been figured and we are down to the last elements of this adoption and we are Just waiting, waiting for a court day. What for God to come through in way most people dont ever get to experience. Some might ask why? Well thank you for asking. We are right where God wants us. We are where Peter was walking on the water. What happened when people lost faith? What happened when Peter took his eyes off the Lord? He fell. Well I can tell you there has been many times threw out this almost 2 years Oct 22 that we have lost our way and we have went on the wrong path and we have started to sink. But today I stand before you even more sure than anything that we are on the right path, we are where God wants us to be. I had a wonderful friend ask me a question. I am going to be very candid with his question. He said, "Are you sure God still wants you to adopt." and He proceeded to say you have had such a hard time getting support, people who said would help in the end have not or back out. And he was just concerned about this scenario we have been in. Well of course I had said, "Yes, God would not start something and then just pull back and say no. I said he is working He has done so much already. But in my self I wanted and needed to know the answer to this question so that night I laid my head on my pillow and I went to sleep with this on my mind heavily. I woke up at 3am I just started puttering around and worshiping in wee hrs of the morning signing Hillsong -The Potters Hand. As I was praying I asked God and I cried out to God that i needed a touch from Him and I needed to know without a shadow of a doubt that we was still in Gods will and He was going to work this out to His Glory and He was going to get the Glory. He sent me to to the book of Zechariah. Zechariah 8:4-9a (15 Dec 2013 the conclusion to a long time ago post)
4. This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: Once again old men and women will walk Jerusalem's streets with their canes and will sit together in the city squares. 5.And the streets will be filled with boys and girls at play.6.This is what the Lord of Heavens Armies says: All this may seem IMPOSSIBLE to you now, a small remnant of God's people. But is it IMPOSSIBLE for ME? says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. 7. This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: You can be sure that I WILL rescue my people from the east and from the west. I will bring them home again safely in Jerusalem. 8. I will bring them home again to live safely in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be faithful and just toward them as their God. 9. This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: Be strong and Finish the task! Ever since the laying of the foundation......
I continued to read this passages and the rest of this chapter. God spoke to me yet again it was HIM that truly started this voyage. It was just the beginning of another long journey of hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait. BUT with the question I challenged GOD with He was faithful and took me to a passage I did not even know existed in HIS WORD. It kept me going threw what ended up being 6 more long months of hurry up redo, hurry up redo till the very end we had no more time to WAIT in physical time frame. We finally got the Most IMPORTANT CALL A Court Date 21 Dec 2012 .
I say all this to say I and my family have experienced one of the greatest MIRACLES we have ever seen (YET). There was many times we could of quite, we met plenty of opposition that is for sure in many areas, and even in others eyes we should of quit or even never started for a Russian boy or even adoptioned period BUT quitting was not an Option!!!!!!! It doesnt matter what the WORLD thinks, all that MATTERS is what GOD THINKS AND TELLS YOU. When you Hear the VOICE of God you go Forward even when you do not see a END to the madness. When you BELIEVE God has told you to do what He has asked us to do. I repetitively asked God several times and he kept telling us to move forward. Some people say God cant speak audibly, some say He does not really speak threw His Word by just praying and opening your BIBLE well I hate to tell you He did for us, and does all the time, He answered and fulfilled everything PROMISE HE gave us about Chance. SO if God is not speaking to you this way than I would be asking Him why? and start seeking HIM for SPECIFICS. I am not special I just take God at His word and BELIEVE HIM. He says He is the same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow He spoke back then in many ways even the form of a burning BUSH. He can do the same TODAY. I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE.. But this last time before the balls got a rolling from 4 month stall of knowing the doors for KOLYA had SHUT tightly. This night God was very clear on HIS intentions that He would bring Chance home. He was going to do it. And looking back only HE could. I could not of got Chance out of Russia on my own. If any of you have ever went through the entirety of this blog you will see many turns, many different roads, many times of desperation, many times of utter devastation and a very different outcome from the beginning. It will change your life in FAITH. BUT even when we could not see the end of the road we kept trusting God and asking Him very clearly to give us the HOPE that only could lie in HIM. Not in mans words. So I say all this to say what Miracle do you NEED this Christmas 2013? (or 2014) Are you willing to Just BELIEVE and not have to see an end or even know where to go NEXT? I cant tell you specific only GOD can but why dont you take a leap of faith and Ask GOD these question and WATCH Him answer you....
1.) God did I hear you correctly?
2.) God are you still going to make this Happen?
3.) Thirdly tell Him, " God I BELIEVE forgive me of my UNBELIEF."
If God has given you a PROMISE He is faithful to do what He has told you He will do. I truly Believe that. He does not Change HIS mind. He already has the Plan and knows the outcome. The plan maybe change what it looks like, may change from our timing and even be different all around. But if we know we have heard from God then however the outcome we Know and Trust God it is His BEST in all of it. We want His BEST FOLKS. I love you guys thank you for being faithful and still looking for updates when there was none. ENJOY MY SWEET FRIENDS.... My life is not its own its the Lords to do HIS WILL.
Sorry for a short commercial before you hear what the beautiful song I have for you with this LINK... The Wait is Worth the WAIT.
ROLLING on. Chance got home 2 FEB 2013. We left our home 2 weeks later for Columbus GA then 2 weeks later settled in Marietta GA for a BIG job Phillip had. That is only one reason we homeschool so that we may follow and be a family even when my husband is working crazy hours. This job lasted over 10 long months, we have been home in our home without our going anywhere for 2 weeks 4 days. (Dec 1, 2013) Those months were very long and filled with my to do that kept me from being able to write as I normally would of if had been home. The internet we had was not reliable and did not work half the time. So that is really the main reason we went off grid for 10 months. It was Not a time of REST I can assure you of that. It was a time of adjustments to adding a new one in the family, many doctor visits of multiply doctors and specialist, emergency room visits, WellCare Consultant visits, Chiropractor weekly visits several times a week, adjusting to a husband working nights and your life being turned upside down, last post going to see Phillips parent so they could meet Chance for the 1st time being home 5 months July, boys in Civil Air Patrol, baseball practices and games. There was not a lack of things to do that is for sure. I really was not able to get solace down there like I get the peace living in the country. We was living in a drug infested community while we felt safe there and never had any problems, thank God, there was a heaviness and chaos a lot of times. I was in survival mode. God is good and we are breathing and all happy to be home.. So to all of you please do not think we have forgot about you because indeed we have not. We have continued to pray for you guys. TO my Lithuanian family. I love you more than you can ever know. I have missed you Terribly. I pray before the New Year I will get Letters and Cards out to some. (still have not, I am so sorry) It wont be much but some I just dont have the time I used to have. Toddlers require alot of time.
2-26-14 Even since we wrote this last post we are on a new job in SC and when this is done we go to Florida. So I guess for now this is a NORMAL for us till something changes. Chance thank goodness is adaptable and he is handling the traveling like a trooper. I guess he is getting used to it now after a year. I mainly was looking for a this one
Chance Medical Update: Chance is Superceeding the Russians Expectations. He is doing Awesome.
- He has doubled his birth weight + From 12lbs to 28lbs, size 2 diaper to size 4-5 pull ups. Size 9 months clothes to 24 months if long pants 2t shirts and pants with a adjustable wait. Wait ago boy.
- He is talking English that most can understand. He is a very smart little guy.
- He has been totally released from his heart doctor.
- He has had a full recovery from a severe reaction he had from one of the immunizations they gave him. PRAISE GOD>