Sunday, November 6, 2011

Orphan Sunday

We are so excited we have our 1st speaking engagement tomorrow as Connect Ministry " Hands and Hearts for Orphans."  My husband is a wonderful speaker and I can't wait to hear him. He is amazing and I am very grateful for him.  Dear Lord bless him and send your rain down for Kolya and LittleMAN. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Exhausted going to hit the sack. We got the golden ticket Friday. We got officially accepted into the adoption program. We start our Dossier on Wednesday.  We are in a race for time and are hoping to get everything in by NOV 30th, My Birthday.  I know with God all things are possible and we are believing the Impossible. We want them home by Dec 31st, 2011. Can you pray for that Miracle?  Blessings my bloggy friends. Pray a Special prayer for Kolya, His brother- LittleMan, Sergio, Tanner, Helen (they all have homes now) pray for Jordy he still needs a home, and Emma she still needs a home, and All my friends who are adopting and need there own miracles this year. God bless Anne

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